This was the winter of the Peapod! The association of camp owners on Mountainy Pond each have a peapod, whether Gerrish or Old Town, to row to their camp each summer. They are well-used, so we are happy to give them the attention they deserve. This summer, we sent off five to Mountainy Pond and another unrelated Peapod to Mr. Terry, to enjoy at his family camp.

Gail has been hard at work, milling materials for the mail-order side of the business and keeping us in filler. In addition to her speedy sanding and expert cleaning, she is more than essential around here! Rollin and Elisa just try to keep up with her.
This winter also saw two Gallupe canoes come through the shop. This asymmetrical canoe design was made especially for motoring on the shallow mouths of the rivers in the north of the state. The canoe is the ultimate place-based craft!
Speaking of unusual Maine designs, we also gave a Rangeley square-stern lapstrake boat back to its owner this summer. We replaced the keel, the transom and the inside stem, not to mention reclinching many copper nails and rivets, so it is a much sturdier boat than when it arrived at the shop. Rollin also found a lovely knee for the outside stem, so that the wood grain follows the curve of the front of the boat. After a spiffy new paint job, this boat headed off to get back on the water with Mr. Field.