About the Indian Girl
The famous Canton, New York canoe designer/builder J. H. Rushton introduced the Indian Girl model in 1902. To quote Mr. Rushton, “The Indian Girl is strong, light, safe though speedy, graceful yet seaworthy.” This turn of the last century design lives up to its name and the NWCC is proud to add it to our inventory of quality reproductions. It is interesting that Rushton hired M. Roundry from the B.N. Morris Canoe Company in Veazie, Maine to build the Indian Girl. Mr Roundry had the experience to build the quality wood/canvas canoes that Rushton did not have. In the 1910s and 1920s, the Indian Girl model became extremely popular and Rushton’s best-selling canoe.
We now bring the Morris and Rushton reproductions together at our shop. We continue the Rushton history of quality construction and faithfully reproduce the Indian Girl with its standard cherry trim, a tapered stern seat, gracefully shaped stems and decks, and “D”-shaped outside rails. The Indian Girl is sleek and fast, but this historic 16-foot canoe is narrower than most people are used to today. It is a lot of fun to paddle, but be aware: it takes time to become accustomed to this design.