Price List


Product Price
17.5′ Atkinson Traveler $4900
— Extra Deep $5400
17′ B.N. Morris
— Classic Model A, Type III $6600
— Half-scale model- 8’6″ $5100
— Quarter-scale model- 4’3″ $4800
— Classic Model A, Type I $5500
16′ Medford Explorer $4600
16′ Indian Girl $4800
15′ B.N. Morris Model A Type I $4600
15′ Kingfisher $5900
15′ Cheemaun $4600
14′ E.M. White $4400
13′ American Beauty $4200
11′ Skimmer
— Solo Canoe $3800
— Kayak-Canoe $4500
— All-Wood $5100
10′ Whisper $4000
Popular Options
Hardwood trim packages $350
Two-tone paint $325
Keel $270
Half ribs $325
Trim rails $375
Outside stems $275
Extended decks, solid or framed Custom pricing
Restorations  $40/hr + materials


Product Price
Canoe Construction Plans
17.5′ Atkinson Traveler $60
17′ B.N. Morris $75
15′ Cheemaun $60
10′ Whisper $50


Product Price
Paddle Plans $30


Product Price
White Cedar
— Rough Stock, 1″thick, various width and length $6.00/bd.ft.
— Pre-Cut Planking Stock
—— 5/32″ thick, 3″ wide $3.00/ft.
—— 5/32″ thick, 4″ wide $4.00/ft.
—— Pre-Cut Rib Stock $7.00 ea.
—— Quartersawn Planking Stock, 3″ wide $6.00/ft.
Mildew Resistant Canvas
— Standard: #10 x 60″ $7.00/ft.
— Heavy: #8 x 60″ $8.00/ft.
Untreated Canvas
—Lightweight: #12 x 60″ $6.50/ft
— Heavy and Wide: #6 x 72″ $8.75/ft.
— Heavy and Extra-Wide: #8 x 84″ $9.50/ft.
Canvas Filler
— Gallon $85
— Quart $27
Bedding Compound
— Per 1/2 pint $35
— Per Pint $60
— Per Quart $110
— 4 oz. $32
— Pint $56
Sig-Ment -4oz tube out of stock


Product Price
4½ foot  Brass Stem Bands
— 1-9 pcs. $22 ea.
— 10-39 pcs. $19 ea.
— 40+ pcs. $18 ea.
6 foot Brass Stem Bands
— 1-9 pcs. $28 ea.
— 10-39 pcs. $24 ea.
— 40+ pcs. $22 ea.
Predrilling of stembands, $1.50 per foot
Stem Band Screws,  Bronze $4.50/per 25
Carriage Bolts,  Bronze
— Each $3.00
— Per 100 $175
Old Town Style Diamond Head Bolts
— 4″ Bolts $5.50 ea
Silicon Bronze Wood screws
— 1¼” $0.55 ea. or $45 per 100
— 1½” $0.60 ea. or $55 per 100
— 1​¾” $0.68 ea. or $58 per 100
— 2″ $0.70 ea. or $65 per 100
Canoe Tacks; Brass
— Half pound $38
— 1-9 pounds $72/pound
— 10+ pounds $68/pound
Copper – 11/16″ canoe tack $80/pound, $45/half-pound
Bronze Ring Nails
     7/8″ # 14… 36 nails per oz.

5/8″ # 15…. 62 nails per oz.)

$3 per oz.
— 1 lb or more $32 per pound
Stem Tacks
— 3/8″ (125 pieces per oz.) $9/oz. or $95/pound
— 5/16″ (250 pieces per oz.) $8.00/oz. or $90/pound
— 1/4″ (410 pieces per oz.) $8.00/oz. or $90/pound


Product Price
Clinching Iron (Cast Iron) $55
Clinching Iron (Bronze) $130
Tack Puller $18.50
Finger Plane $16
Canoe Hammer $16
Canvas Pliers $38
Planking Gauge (Brass) $18
Northwoods Canoe Co. T-Shirt $20/ea.
Northwoods Canoe Poster $10/ea.
Northwoods Canoe Hat $20


Product Price
The Wood & Canvas Canoe $38
Historic Canoe Company Catalogs
— 1908 B.N. Morris Co. $10
— 1910 Old Town Canoe Co. $10


Product Price
Both Steambending and Building the A.T.
USB     $20
Steambending for Woodworkers
— DVD $15
Building the Atkinson Traveler
— DVD $15
Winterwalk 2003
— DVD $10
—USB    $10